"In the Eucharist, we receive Jesus Christ - body, blood, soul, and divinity. This Sacrament is the source and summit of our Christian life. Christ gives us in the Eucharist the pledge of glory with him. Participation in the Holy Sacrifice identifies us with his Heart, sustains our strength along the pilgrimage of this life, makes us long for eternal life, and unites us even now to the Church in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints" (CCC #1419).
First Holy Communion, the Sacrament where we receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time, is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation which "lay the foundation of the Christian life...The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. By means of these sacraments of Christian initiation, they thus receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity" (CCC #1212).
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion, the Sacrament where we receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time, is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation which "lay the foundation of the Christian life...The faithful are born anew by Baptism, strengthened by the Sacrament of Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. By means of these sacraments of Christian initiation, they thus receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity" (CCC #1212).
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
- Immaculate Heart of Mary parish provides sacramental preparation through the school. Our school is an important mission of the Church, and as part of this mission we want the children to be formed in the faith.
- First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation happen in the 2nd grade. If a child enters the school after 2nd grade and is in need of Baptism, First Reconciliation, or First Communion, we will work with the family to provide the appropriate formation for the child to receive the sacrament(s).
- Parishioners with children who are homeschooled, or attend public schools have the option to join preparation classes with St. James, Cornelius & Cyprian (JCC) in Mason. For now, we have partnered with JCC for first reconciliation and first holy communion preparation for non-school families. You can click here for more information about their faith formation classes. Families can also choose to partake in religious education in the home by choosing from 3 different preparation options: Dynamic Catholic’s Blessed series, Augustine Institutes You Are Forgiven/You Are Loved series, or the Faith & Life series.
If you would like to get more information about preparing your child at home please contact Mary Dowsett at [email protected] or contact the parish office, at (517)393-3030. - If you are an adult seeking First Holy Communion please contact Leah Hinman at [email protected] or contact the parish office, at (517)393-3030.